Megafest 5.0/Food

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This page will show food to be cooked for Megafest 5.0. Please volunteer yourself below. As the Megafest approaches, we will assign food to specific schedules.

Normally we eat two meals per day, breakfast around 11:00 and supper between 18:00 and 20:00, with snacking in between.


Wednesday, 24 May 2006

  • Supper: Takeout

Thursday, 25 May 2006

Friday, 26 May 2006

Saturday, 27 May 2006

Sunday, 28 May 2006

Monday, 29 May 2006

  • Breakfast: Yanthor and Anya's breakfast thing
  • Supper: (Figure it out on your own)


I've been having fun with chili and soups so I would like that to be one of the main dishes I make. I may post an official recipe at some point, but I don't have one yet.


Well, I was originally thinking Mom's Donuts and Sicilian Lentil Soup. However, I must have been writing this on a day I was cold. I suspect it'll be entirely too hot in Lincoln for either of these. So, in the meantime, I'm tenatively thinking of

  • Mizidra, I'm not stuck on this yet.
  • More food as needed


A yummy dish I learned how to make in Randy's cooking class. It might be fun to try making it for the fest.
This is sort of an amalgamation I've been playing with lately. The core ingredient is the freeze-dry marinated baked tofu. More vegetables might also be added.
I've tried a few variations on Jodi's recipe for Black Bean Cuban Soup, and each time it's turned out quite delicious (though somewhat different from her original). If people are interested, I could do a version for the fest.
It's fun to make cheese sauces from scratch. Depending on how many meals are needed, I could easily throw together a pseudo-italian dinner for the fest.
At the risk of being typecast, I might also do my old standby if folks are interested.


For my birthday, a friend of mine gave me an impressive looking cookbook, dedicated entirely to preparing Tofu. I intend to try at least one recipe.


I seem to enjoy cooking breakfasts more than dinners. I don't actually see any breakfasts on the list so far. These are breakfasts I've cooked at previous Fests that I'd be happy to do again, if they're not overdone: