Megafest 9.0

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Megafest 9.0 will take place at from 26 through 31 May 2010. Jaeger and Kiesa will host, and despotically dictate bedtimes for Calvin. Yanthor, Humblik, and Ashia are expected to drive from Lincoln.



Yanthor, Humblik, and Ashia are expected to drive from Lincoln on Wednesday, 26 May, arriving sometime in the evening. (Jaeger advised the Lincoln contingent that they are welcome as early as 18:00 MDT, but he and Kiesa expect to be preoccupied by Calvin until at least 19:30.)

Calvin will be in daycare from 08:30 to 14:30 on Thursday and Friday, which is expected to provide enough time for adventuring in D&D. We expect Calvin to have a babysitter on Sunday afternoon to facilitate the same.

Jaeger plans on running everyone's favorite 10k road race[1], the Bolder Boulder, early Monday morning. He has invited other Megafestors to join him (presumably in a later wave) but so far this offer has been met with deafening silence. It occurs to Jaeger that, with proper timing, he could run in an early wave, then loop back to the start for a leisurely jog or walk in a later wave. If he were really bored, and somewhat masochistic.

The Lincoln Contingent is expected to return to the Eastern Lands on Monday, 31 May, otherwise known as Memorial Day.


Humblik: Edit Proposal video and post on my YouTube account.

Yanthor: Work on D&D when not DMing, read novels, chase Calvin, be chased by Calvin, seduce Willow, play board games

Kiesa: If I have time, I'm contemplating going through Twitter feeds and pulling out the most noteworthy tweets about Calvin and possibly work on compiling a "first year" book.



Friday night

Jaeger talked Yanthor, Humblik, and Kiesa into a game of Cities and Knights of Catan. Kiesa pulled ahead with a surprise victory, once Jaeger inadvertently reminded her that metropolises were worth two victory points, rather than one, and she played the merchant for one last victory point.

Yanthor and Jaeger played Carcassonne. Jaeger pulled ahead for a Farmville-style win by placing the right number of farms in the right places for a modest victory.

Saturday night

Jaeger, Kiesa, and Yanthor played Settlers of Catan. Jaeger pulled ahead for an early lead by upgrading two cities, then stayed in the lead to ultimately win the game. The second game featured a strange resource spread, with Yanthor monopolizing brick, but Kiesa ultimately won.



Note: In recent Festing news, Humblik's dietary restrictions require him to avoid onion, broccoli, cauliflower, and coffee. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, and squash are really good for him. Pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie work tastily.

Megafestors are encouraged to sign themselves up for food on this list, and to make their food requests on the shopping list.

Wednesday, 26 May



Thursday, 27 May


Yanthor - Fried egg and English Muffin sandwiches

Cleanup: Ashia


Yanthor - Feisty Mac & Cheese

Cleanup: Yanthor

Query: Are you sure you want to do Thursday? It's fine with me but in prior Fests we haven't been really good about grocery shopping the 1st night of the Fest. However, I always go grocery shopping on Sunday so if you tell me what you need, I can always get it for you. - Kiesa 08:50, 19 May 2010 (MDT)

Friday, 28 May


Kiesa: Pumpkin Scones with Pumpkin Butter, Peach Cranberry Crumble (substitute sliced frozen peaches for the apples)

Cleanup: Jaeger


Ashia: Haystacks

Cleanup: Yanthor

Saturday, 29 May


Humblik and Ashia are attending church in Boulder, and have requested breakfast at 09:00.

Jaeger: Breakfast burritos

Cleanup: Yanthor


Jaeger - Sushi and Stir-Fried Tofu and Asparagus, with Momokawa Diamond Junmai ginjo sake

Cleanup: Kiesa

Sunday, 30 May


Humblik: Buttermilk waffles, Citrus-Blueberry Sauce

Cleanup: ???


Kiesa - Brie Ravioli with Sage Cream Sauce, Squash Ravioli with Marinara Sauce, and Spinach, Pear, and Shaved Parmesan Salad Dessert: Three Citrus Ice and Rosemary-Lemon Ice

Cleanup: Jaeger

Monday, 31 May


Some combination of Humblik and Ashia: Biscuits and gravy

Cleanup: ???