Good coffee

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I'm three-quarters of a coffee snob. That is, when I drink coffee, I want it to taste good.
  • I buy whole coffee beans, and grind immediately before brewing.
  • I store the coffee in an air-tight container in the cabinet -- not in the freezer, which many coffee snobs believe does something bad to the beans.
  • I use the strong-coffee porportions specified on the label. For most coffee-snob coffees, that's about 2 tablespoons of grounds per cup of coffee. I tend to prefer my coffee about 10% weaker than full strength.
I don't roast my own beans, and I will drink institutional coffee when I'm desperate.
For Megafest 5.1, I served Silver Canyon Coffee "Blue Spruce", which is a medium roast and boasts a "Smooth, sweet, cocoa flavor".
When Yanthor sampled the coffee, he observed that he'll never be able to go back to mundane institutional coffee again.